Rare Cancer Stories
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When I was first diagnosed with adenoid cystic carcinoma, in 1998, I felt alone and afraid.  I was told that my cancer was very rare and that I would be lucky to find someone else with it.  I gathered up my strength and started web-surfing to do just that.  I found a story authored by a women with my disease.  Her name was Nancy and she was my lifeline for over a year.  She shared her own experiences and gave me the courage to go through those things that all cancer patients endure - surgeries, treatments, loneliness, fatigue, and that constant feeling that you have a lead ball in the pit of your stomach.

Your story may do the same thing for a person diagnosed with your own type of pediatric or rare adult cancer.  Please consider allowing us to publish your personal story.  We ask that all submissions follow these guidelines:

» Please read and agree to this --> Story Sharing Agreement.
» Try to keep the story brief enough to fit on one typed page.
» We ask that you not endorse any commercial enterprise or product within your story.
» Include your original diagnosis, metastasis, and treatment information.

You may read other stories in this section --> Here to see examples. Please register for our forums to submit your story and read additional stories from others --> Share Your Story Here